
QuailGuard is a special blend of select grains and proprietary active ingredients proven effective in killing parasites on wild quail.

This unique product was developed by Dr. Ron Kendall, Professor of Environmental Toxicology at Texas Tech University, and head of the Wildlife Toxicology Laboratory.

Primary funding for this research came from Park Cities Quail Coalition and the Rolling Plains Quail Research Foundation. 63% of all QuailGuard royalties will be dedicated to quail research and education.

Eyeworms hurt the quail’s ability to find food and spot predators.  Cecal worms rob the quail of valuable nutrition.

Experience the Success of Our Research

Facts in numbers

Parasite infestation in bobwhite quail has been well documented in the Rolling Plains region of West Texas ranging from 60% - 70% infection levels for eyeworms and 90% for cecal worms. Many believe this is a significant factor in the decline of bobwhite to historic lows.


Eyeworm Infestation


Cecal Worm Infection


Quail Decline 1966-2019

“Parasites and disease are the most neglected phase of wildlife research, at least in Texas.  This condition, it is hoped, will not persist through another half century.”

V. W. Lehman (1984)